The unique and holistic banking offering with a single point of contact and contractual partner: modular, innovative and secure.
We offer reliable multi-currency safeguarding, professional correspondent banking and corporate accounts in a FINMA regulated environment.
Your specialized trading and execution experts for multi-asset classes with global coverage.
Digital Assets custodized with a Swiss bank: brokered as smooth and secure as traditional assets.
We enable any company to offer banking services.
Barrier-free access to your financial products.
Outsourcing of Back Office Services including tax and regulatory reporting, corporate actions and security administration.
InCore Bank is your internationally oriented Swiss B2B bank for traditional and digital assets.
A strong team with decades of experience.
The most important facts about Incore Bank AG
Your direct contact for problems and complaints.
How can we help you today?
+41 44 403 93
E-BankingExtranet/LoginComplaint form
Our open, modular banking platform covers all your bank's ICT requirements for efficient and modern operations. Achieve a high degree of digitalization of your banking processes with our mobile banking.
Flexible and comprehensive portfolio management for small to medium-sized companies
Digital solutions for small to medium-sized banks, asset managers and financial service providers.
The team behind Incore Technology
+41 44 496 16
+49 941 46 21
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